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For woman who inspired the world

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Time to celebrate with gifts to give in person and the kindness they’ll never forget. All the best for the most significant one this year. 

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Saffiano Lux Galleria Handbag

The Galleria handbag features a saffiano leather body, rolled leather handles, top zip closures, and interior zip and slip pockets.

There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise

Celebrate your day with the best from the best

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Discount 30% on all Givenchy pouches

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Nguyen Vu

Like these handbags since the first product and now I’m a loyal customer. The materials are high-class and perfectly durable. Sure not let me down!

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Nguyen Vu

Like these handbags since the first product and now I’m a loyal customer. The materials are high-class and perfectly durable. Sure not let me down!

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Nguyen Vu

Like these handbags since the first product and now I’m a loyal customer. The materials are high-class and perfectly durable. Sure not let me down!

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Nguyen Vu

Like these handbags since the first product and now I’m a loyal customer. The materials are high-class and perfectly durable. Sure not let me down!

Banner 1 (5).png__PID:9e84dd7f-811d-4bdd-baf6-07149c5d8dd7

Nguyen Vu

Like these handbags since the first product and now I’m a loyal customer. The materials are high-class and perfectly durable. Sure not let me down!

Banner 1 (6).png__PID:84dd7f81-1ddb-4d7a-b607-149c5d8dd705

Nguyen Vu

Like these handbags since the first product and now I’m a loyal customer. The materials are high-class and perfectly durable. Sure not let me down!


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